Looking for an excuse to post about your book on social media?

To help you out in the coming year, here's a list of more than 60 holidays you can use to market your children’s books. From Library Shelfie Day to National Crayon Day, you’re sure to find some ideas here to boost your social media game.
So, get ready. Get set… and mark your calendar!
Here are the top offbeat holidays to promote your children’s book on social media!
9th - Word Nerd Day
13th - National Sticker Day - Order custom stickers featuring your characters.
18th - Thesaurus Day
Fourth Wednesday in January: Library Shelfie Day #LibraryShelfie
February - National Library Lovers Month
The first week of February: Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week
9th - Read in the Bathtub Day
10th - Teddy Day -Take a photo of your book with your favorite Teddy and share it on social media. Ask your readers to share their photos too!
14th - Library Lovers Day #LibraryLoversDay
14th - International Book Giving Day #BookGivingDay
14th - Read To Your Child Day

March - National Reading Month; Small Press Month
2nd - Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss’s Birthday)
6th-12th – Read an E-book Week - Free e-book promotion, anyone?
14th - National Write Your Story Day
14th - National Children's Craft Day - Create and share a craft connected to your book.
19th - International Read To Me Day
19th - Let's Laugh Day - perfect if you have a humorous book!
31st - Crayon Day - Share the link to a free printable coloring sheet for your book!
April - D.E.A.R. Drop Everything And Read Month; School Library Month
2nd - International Children’s Book Day
4th - National School Librarian Day - Surprise your local school librarian with a free copy of your book!
Second Week of April: National Library Week
Week of the Young Child
10th - Encourage a Young Writer Day
12th - D.E.A.R. Drop Everything And Read Day
15th - World Art Day - Make a post recognizing your favorite talented illustrator!
16th - National Librarian Day
23rd - World Book Night
27th - National Tell A Story Day
Last Saturday in April - Independent Bookstore Day
May - National Get Caught Reading Month; National Family Reading Month
Second Week of May: Reading Is Fun Week
2nd-8th - Children’s Book Week
24th - Scavenger Hunt Day - Create a free downloadable scavenger hunt related to your book
Audiobook Appreciation Month
2nd - National Donut Day - take a picture of your book with a box of your favorite donuts
10th - National Ballpoint Pen Day - post a picture of yourself signing one of your books

July - National Anti-Boredom Month
1st - International Joke Day
2nd - I Forgot Day - a great day to remind your followers to leave that review they've been meaning to write!
8th - Be A Kid Again Day
17th – World Emoji Day - Ask your followers to review your book by posting an emoji!
30th - Paperback Book Day
8th - The Date to Create - Share a behind-the-scenes look at your writing process.
9th - National Book Lovers Day (also November 6)
September - National Library Card Signup Month
6th - National Read A Book Day
8th - International Literacy Day
October - National Book Month
Children's Magazine Month - If you've had work published in a children's magazine, this is a great day to share it again!
6th - World Smile Day - post pictures of your smiling fans or yourself!
Third Week of October: Teen Read Week; Friends of Libraries Week
16th - Dictionary Day
November - Picture Book Month
1st – National Family Literacy Day
1st – Author’s Day
6th – Book Lovers Day (also August 9)
8th – Young Readers Day
15th – I Love to Write Day
First Saturday of November - Book Lovers Day
Third Full Week - National Young Readers Week
18th - High Five a Librarian Day Sounds like a TikTok waiting to happen!
December - Read a New Book Month
4th - National Cookie Day - Get custom cookies made to celebrate your book or main character.
10th - Dewey Decimal System Day
Search for More Book Holidays!
Learn more about each holiday listed above, or search for other holidays specific to your book topic at www.nationaltoday.com.
Need more help with marketing your children's book? Check out our book marketing course:
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