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How to Get a Book Agent...Using Twitter!

Writer: Vicky WeberVicky Weber

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

How to Get a Book Agent Using Twitter

Lots of people want to get traditionally published so they start querying literary agents. But did you know that Twitter can help you get one? Yes, you read that right.

While the self-publishing community primarily connects on Facebook and Instagram, agents and traditionally published authors tend to hang out on Twitter, and several times each year, there are Twitter events that literary agents actually participate in.

So whether you're wondering how to get a book agent or you've been trying and still need more help, stick around - this blog post is for you!

How to Get a Book Agent with Twitter Pitch Events

On the day of the event, you tweet your pitch and use the event hashtags. Then, you support other authors by commenting on their pitches and following them. Do NOT like any pitches that day--those are reserved for agents only. If an agent gives your pitch a heart...that's an invitation to query them!

Why is that so awesome? It means they are already interested in your book. Think about what an advantage that is!

To participate in a Twitter pitch event, make sure you have your manuscript written (and developmentally edited) beforehand. You'll also want to prepare your query letter and tweet content in advance as well.

Remember that these pitch events are for unpublished manuscripts so if you've already self-published your book, this won't help you.

Tip: Get feedback BEFORE the event to make sure you'll intrigue agents.

Popular Twitter Pitch Events

Below, you'll find some of the most popular Twitter pitch events. Click their link to read more about their rules.

This pitch party is held three times a year (February, June, and October) and is specifically for picture book creators!

A Twitter pitch party for writers and illustrators of children's books who are a part of the Latinx community.

An annual pitch party for Black writers and creators.

A Twitter pitch event for Asian and Pacific Islander writers (and illustrators!) that takes place during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

An annual Twitter pitch event for historically marginalized authors and illustrators seeking agent representation.

How to stand out to literary agents

Twitter pitch events are simple so in that way, standing out to literary agents during one comes down to one thing: your pitch. It has to be captivating. For an in-depth dive into how to do this (+ examples!), you'll want to check out this video.

Here are a few quick tips to get you started:

  • Write multiple pitches before the scheduled event

  • Get feedback on your pitches from other authors, friends, etc so you can make tweaks and improve to increase your chances before the event occurs

  • Support other authors during the event by leaving a reply on their pitch. Often, authors will return the favor and this can boost the chances that an agent will see your Tweet

  • If at all possible, leave your Tweet up for a day or so after the event. Some literary agents will browse them later!

In the video below, Chelsea Tornetto covers tons more tricks for getting your pitch to stand out and get agent and editor attention - specifically for picture book authors!

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